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Phase 1:

Researching Different themes

The first phase is about finding various interests you have and developing a foundational level of research for them. this information will then be used to present to peers to get an opinion of which ideas stick best and should be carried forward and expanded upon.  

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The Themes:


For balance, I wanted to look into the overcoming of balance. learning about balance and the science behind what it does to your brain.

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I like the idea of using running as a way to explore and push on to see new areas of my local environment. 

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Icelandic Landscapes

The theme of Icelandic landscapes is very much inspired by the vast range of natural phenomena over the country and how that could inspire. 



Looking into what robotics is amazing what they can do and how far the industry has come and where it crosses over with sifi.

Presentation & Review

At the end of Phase One, I held a presentation summing up each of my topics, these were short summaries to get the initial idea across. This is to see which of the themes had the more overall favour from my peers to get an unbiased opinion of what I should carry forward to Phase Two.  

The Feedback and Results: 
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Throughout the talk feedback was being given from my peers, these could have been questions, suggestions from new directions to take the theme or relevant things I could do for research on the topic.

This was all done on a website used to give feedback anonymously, this means that people will be more engaged and willing to give their honest opinion.      

This was a small vote on which topics people liked the most at the end of our presentation. 

Although, people were very passionate about the theme of the Icelandic landscape. I made the choice to instead continue with the next phase with Robots as the research inspired me more and I felt like I could take it in more interesting research Avenues.

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If you want to learn more about my thought process and decisions for the end of phase one I have a blog post about it that will explain all about my decision of picking the phase two theme. as well as that you can go on to my phase two web page where my project continues. 

Additional Reading:

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