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Phase One: Introduction


Phase one is all about compiling the research for different topics that I could carry forward and do intensive research on, then eventually carry forward into games. but first it needs to inspire a level of engagement from others and most importantly me as I'll be the one doing the work in this topic and if it doesn't excite me as a topic I shouldn't be trying to work on it as a topic.

Another very important factor of these research points is that they have room to grow, as they are described as 'starting points' in the diagram, this is because it needs to be an in depth enough topic to flesh out in phase two. other wise if you already have hit a brick wall when it comes to research you won't be going to new places and adapting ideas so the topic will get stale and the project will pay because of it.

For this I need to make sure that the general rules I stick by for what I pick and work on are things that most importantly I find interesting to research and am having fun looking into and adapting. if I find that a topic is getting 'old' in this two week period of phase one it will definitely be dropped just as it won't have the longevity for me to work on it all semester.

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