Phase one need with an eight minute presentation splitting our four topics into two minutes a piece, this let us do a clear short and sweet way to get our topics across to other peers, throughout and following the presentation we would be getting feedback from our peers using kinopio or nodenoggin these are amazing ways to get quick responsive feedback as well as build and respond to others feedback.
The feedback for my presentation was all on node noggin, I ended up colour coordinating the 'cards' to make it match the themes of the topics:
orange = running
yellow = Iceland
blue = robots
green = balance
the most engaging topics were robots and balance. Unfortunately running and Iceland didn't get as much engagement but I think that robots and balance have the strongest research paths anyway not to mention that I would be most happy working developing in these areas.
Specific feedback for topics:
Iceland- I liked this topic but I thought too much of the feedback was relating it to 'death stranding' and less interested in the actual natural phenomena in Iceland which is what drew me to the topic.
Running- was interesting and I found that recording data and looking at first hand research fun and I think that it was a personal thing as not a lot of people actually did any cards on this topic.
Balance- I loved this topic, it was fun for all aspects first hand research, the academic background research and I could see this idea developing into different areas.
Robots- I found this fascinating to research and I think it comes through, the feedback seemed most engaging for this topic with thoughtful questions being asked and people finding there own paths to go down for questions. I think this is good proof of a successful topic, and the cards speak for themselves.
Topics to carry forward:
After the presentations we had a task of giving feedback on what topics we liked for each person who presented. This is the result of the task:
each emoji was a vote, it is important to note just because something got the most votes doesn't mean the topic needs to be picked, personally I don't think I will pick Icelandic landscapes and I think the main reason it got so many votes was because of how it was one of the most visual topics and also people really liked the comparison of the topic and death stranding.
Lastly, I'll dive my thoughts of the topics after finishing these tasks.
Balance- I don't think it resonated as something that would have longevity because I think most of the enjoyment was because it was fresh content for me to be working on as id never looked into it and starting the research I realised it was something I was curious about but as the curiosity fades I think I would lose interest. but I definitely want to come back to the ideas of endorphins at a later date for how the game I make 'feels' once I've come to play testing
Iceland- I think this topic is very cool but I find that its more of a secondary thought of what to do, of the environment instead of the whole game itself. when I looked into other elements around it, like Icelandic culture or myths they didn't entice me as much.
Running- This theme felt like it was falling apart as well as I was already in my head thinking of games early and it felt very like they already didn't have the depth I would need them to have. but the data analysis and first hand research was good so I want to find a way I can do this for the topic I carry forward.
Robot- this topic and robots themselves seems to be at a perfect point between reality right now and decades of science fiction in media. This is such a nice drive for research to juggle both of them. I think for this reason and the level of engagement in the feedback this is the right topic to pick.