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Phase One Theme: Robots


One of the themes that I want to research into is robots. Just the concept of modern robots in modern day, this was very much inspired by a relatively new video of a company called Boston Dynamics titled Atlas partners in parkour this sparked a burst of 'I want to look into this more'

Boston Dynamics:

This company is the leading company of modern robots and developing new robots with uses both in development and in industry, with them making robots that various industries can use mainly automating jobs that people don't want to do, are to dangerous for them or require heavy machinery to do.

Something that I do find fascinating with this these robots is the ability to stay upright on there own, if they have slipped, fallen over or even pushed they will be able to adjust the balance of themselves to stay on there feet, with is a marvellous feat for anything let alone a isolated programmed computer.

Other robots in day to day life:

we already use some automated robots in day to day life like a roomba and coffee machines all can excite in your homes with the sole purpose of making your life easier, taking small tasks out of your day to day life. this goal of achieving an easier lifestyle from the automated robots in your life is very interesting to me.

I can't really do much in terms of physical first hand research for this topic but I would like to find ways to bring these topics forward to see and possibly find ways I could meet in the middle by at least finding some automated thing to capture that aspect of how these devices react to day to day life.

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