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Phase Three: Gameplay Experience


Updated: Jan 21, 2022

In a lecture we had with Emma we looked into Gameplay Experience and how to analyse the five aspects of a game that formulate the gameplay experience.

Visual: this would consist of the overall ascetic: art style, environment and VFX. more or less everything you see can come into this category.

Audio: This component of is all the audio outside of the verbal: Environmental sounds, soundtrack and sound effects to name a few, this usually is used to make the player more immersed in the experience.

Haptic: This is what the player physically feels while playing the game. this could be rumble on the controllers, how the player has to use the controller or things like motion controls. These can be used to make actions that would be very obscure to you have more immersion and feel real like pulling the trigger on a controller simulating a gun and then the controller vibrating.

Verbal: This is all the verbal sound in the game. It might not even be a language you understand, but anything that coveys communication.

Ludic: This works as the section where you would inspect the elements of the gameplay itself. The mechanics, the gameplay and the challenges that present themselves in the game.

Why are these elements important?

These all come together to make the overall gameplay experience, each and every element is important and a lack of an element if purposely left out could make it even more important. for example if you hear audio but not verbal elements of a game what does that say about your player, it implies their inability to communicate.

As well as using this to look at games as research Emma also suggested to think about what these elements could be in our game ideas as it would help us make a better picture of the overall game and make sure we stay balanced in designing all elements of the game.

Where to take this next?

I want to make sure I use this for intended game experiences of all of my game ideas that I will present at the end of Phase Three.


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