At the end of Phase Three I had to present my three game ideas I formulated up to this point, this was done in the same way that we presented at the end of Phase One and Two. The main thing about this presentation is I were essentially sell the ideas to my peers and see which ones were the most successful.

Once again we used nodenoggin to get feedback from our presentations, this time as well as feedback about where we could take the project further we also used node noggin to vote with the emojis on which ideas were the strongest and should be taken forward to make a game. As always this is just the preference of the class and if I felt passionate about another subject I wasn't locked into a game idea just because it was picked the most.
The results were an overwhelming win for Wayfinder I liked this since wayfinder was my personal favourite from my three ideas. Although this is the case, the designs and themes of the other games were interesting so if they can fit into this game idea I may choose to implement some of them into the final game idea at a later date.
In Phase Four I will start the game proposal for 'WAYFINDER!'