Upon starting Phase Four it became aware to the group there was a lot of undocumented ideas that were slipping through the cracks so what we decided to do was make a paper prototype of the map.
This shows a rough structure of the whole game and places we want events or narrative beats to happen, but this wasn't enough it was time to start putting some more ideas down to flesh out a lot of the concepts that we were coming up with now we were a team of three bouncing ideas off each other, as this rapidly increased the speed ideas were being developed.
This version has two new sets of notes on it, blue notes showing enemies and the patrol routes they will go on. this helped visualise what would happen in that area and how the area would be filled. As well as the the blue cards resembling the information about the enemies I put orange cards that had the art direction I wanted to take the game this was just listing other games that have a similar artistic style to the environments that I wanted to make. They may not all have the same photorealistic style we want to make but they will have created the overall feelings I want those environments to create.
This is the whole map put into perspective and is going to be a guiding template for what we will make in semester two as well as helping us guide conversation in the future about where events will happen in the game and whether or not we have space for it in the scope of our project.
Lastly, we did a rendition of this map but digitally and in colour to help show the variation of the environments we will create. This helps set the tone of the areas when we are talking about the game and developing new ideas, As well as it will give everyone we are presenting the game to at the end go Phase Four a more accurate visualisation of our game.