When the team was talking about how we are going to develop the game we decided to go with unreal engine, there are many reasons for this but overall it came down to being a better engine for lighting and resembling photorealism.
As well as this it has mega scans, these are 3D assets made from real world objects by photographing objects multiple times to make an accurate 3D replication for the engine. this will cut down on development time on general environment creation
These two aspects were shown off in a renders here in unreal.

Following on from the artistic side Unreal also has other features that are more useful when it comes to rapid iterations of making levels.

This feature lets you select the distance objects 'snap' to when using the viewport.

As well as this it has built in shortcuts for moving, scaling and rotating objects.
Both of these features allow for a much more rapid iteration process that allowed me to make a small structure to test creation in Unreal for grey boxing, below is a video of me making It and in it I am sending such little time of the creation process messing about in menus to adjust how the engine works.
Overall I think that once I have had some time to learn the new engine It should give me plenty of tools to make be proficient in level design and make a concise and detailed world that we have outlined throughout development.