During Phase Three I made an agreement with Callum, a peer in my class where we would team up after phase three, we were both interested in the themes we had each picked and have worked well together in previous projects. it would just be down to who's game was more viable to be made and adjustable in scope as we were only a small team having to make a whole game in less than half a year.
To decide on this we both picked our game ideas we were most passionate about and made a pros and cons list. Overall we made the list below it was a bit of a stalemate, but we came to a conclusion that the game we would make would be Wayfinder!

Once I had someone new to my topic I made a short summary poster to explain the important points that I researched into a small bitesized piece of reading material.

As well as Callum joining Team Wayfinder we also had interest from another peer Rafael, he also wanted to make a 3D game and thought that joining us would make a great opportunity to create a larger scoped project that him on his own.
What this means going forward:
Now I have two other people working on the same ideas as me we can bounce ideas off each other and build on the game idea in a much more rapid and productive way, each taking topics and speaking about as a team them and letting one person do further research in that area.