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Branding for in Game Factions:


Updated: Jun 9, 2022

Once we made these highly detailed characters it inly felt natural that we would do a further level of detail onto them making sure they feel grounded in this game world, this is because if we were deciding that this would be a whole organised group of soldiers it would be really weird if they had no designs on them showing that they are part of that organisation.

So I took the rough designs of the Sanmiittai (the enemies in our game) and then took that forward into making the designs for their logos/ branding.

Firstly the fonts for their logos needed to be decided so I made a selection of fonts and styles to be picked from the group and our surrounding peers to see what people though would suit them best.

The out of all of these ones the bottom right one one was by far the favourite it kept there brand bold and threatening, so I went on and design some fun titles for them just which would be used to go with promotional content for the game.

Military Patches:

To follow on for that I made some designs for patches that would go on their military gear to make sure they looked like a militia and not just a bunch of people wearing plain black clothes.

after this I wanted to make some designs that could distinguish between the two soldiers so I gave them code names and designed some patches that would show this information on them and also a logo to signify Sanmiittai.

Lastly here are shots of the patches on the character models. it just ties the pieces in together making the character seem more grounded.

Robot Vinyl:

Then I made some text prints that could work as vinyl for the robots sort of showing serial numbers on the body parts like they are manufactured but unfortunalty they didn't make them into the game.


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