This blog post will explore how I developed settings to expand the range of people who are comfortable to play our game. this also set the groundwork for a good set of foundations for other systems in the game.
Visually this is what the settings menu is as a widget in the engine edition.

here is an image of it while it's running in game.

as you can see the white boxes are the correct icons that link to the right setting the code is on this is all done because instead of having a set image the image is set to a brush with multiple states that can sync up with the settings if coded correctly as shown below.

Controls Settings:
This shows the custom events I have made for inverting the camera and adjusting the camera sensitivity, they both run on multiple levels. adjusting values on this event graph as well as casting to the third person character blueprint, this is done through referencing the other blueprint in the variable of this widgets variables.

Here you see that it is what the inverted bool is actually doing in the other blueprint.

This lets the value to either 1 or -1 meaning that if it is -1 it will be multiplied into the value for camera controls making positive inputs minus and vice versa. as shown when the values get multiplied together below.
Sound settings:
Another thing I put into the settings is the option that you can change the sounds volume in the game, this was actually a really good thing to do earlier rather than later in the project because it meant that I had to set up sound classes, this meant that I would need to to a lot less tinkering than if I retrofitted it into a finished project.

in these images you can see this it literally just changes the value that the sound mix sets a certain class, this is a very easy yet effect way of adjusting the volume correctly while the engine is running and also change only certain aspects of the volume.
