The area that I wish to expand my skills is in 3D modelling and developing my 3D level design skills. At the moment I feel the understanding and refinement I have in these programs are lacklustre and therefore will inhibit me when it comes to making the game of my choice should I wish it to be a 3D game. The last thing I want is my skills and knowledge as a creator to block out ideas or inhibit what I can make.

So my personal development project will be to have a steady flow of 3D models that I will work on to different scales of detail. This will build my comfort in these programs and overall build up my confidence to start larger projects. I want my end goal to be a med/high detailed 3D model of a character or object / scene.
As well as this is will be more open to looking at tutorials of 3D modelling programs and make full use of the learning resources provided for me, both from the university and third party sites they are providing.
Lastly keeping a steady development blog of the tasks I have accomplished over the following weeks will encourage me to keep of developing these skills and allow me to take a step back as see what can be improved upon even more.
Personal Development Plan Checklist:
(This checklist will both be checked off during my development as well as new tasks being added due to better understanding of my goals and aspiration)
Blender Guru Tutorial: -Level 1 DONE (Oct 29th)
-Level 2
-Level 3
-Level 4
Making Detailed 3D Object:
-Sketching / idea cultivation
-Texturing etc.